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Belt & Road Education Committee, China Education Association for International Exchange (BREC-CEAIE)

Publish Date: 2021-02-19 | Visits: 1510


Belt & Road Education Committee, China Education Association for International Exchange (BREC-CEAIE) was established on December 22nd2019 at Fudan University. As a non-profit organization affiliated to CEAIE, BREC is consisted of domestic Chinese educational institutes that have distinctive accomplishments in Belt and Road international education exchange, including institutes and agencies in higher education, vocational education and elementary education. BREC is committed to promoting internationalization of Chinese education and to further enhancing its global influence and leadership.



Under the leadership of CEAIE, BREC integrates resources of higher education, vocational education and elementary education from domestic and abroad to form a platform for Belt and Road international education cooperation. With efforts to promote information sharing, cultural exchange and talents co-cultivation, BREC aims to support the co-construction of Belt and Road Educational Community and improvement of the internationalization level of education.



(1)Establish a non-governmental international organization on Belt and Road education, and provide solutions regarding Belt and Road educational exchange and cooperation;

(2)Support the Belt and Road education exhibition, host Belt and Road Educational Forum, promote dialogues on educational concepts, culture, laws, policies, regulations, standards, etc. in different educational levels and disciplines;

(3)Explore international evaluation on Belt and Road education and disciplines, increase the discursive power and evaluation influence of Belt and Road education;

(4)Provide services to scholars, teachers and students from Belt and Road countries, develop Belt and Road international education products and enrich the form and content of international exchange;

(5)Establish effective network to promote exchange between education sectors and governments, enterprises, social organizations of Belt and Road countries;

(6)Jointly carry out research projects and build information base on Belt and Road education cooperation.




Tel: 86-21-65643575

Mobile: Ms. Liu Ningsha, 86-13328149100; Mr. Yin Jiahe, 86-17310966910

Address: Think Tank Building, Fudan University, No.220 Handan Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China. 200433

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