Major Events
October 23,1981
- 1981
- The State Council of the People's Republic of China approved the joint report presented by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to establish CEAIE in July, 1981.
October 23,1982
- 1982
- CEAIE signed the first agreement of non-governmental educational exchange with American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU).
November 19,1983
- 1982-1983
- Local Education Associations for International Exchange (Local EAIEs) were established in Jiangsu, Shanghai and other provinces and cities.
October 23,1984
- 1984
- The 1st Meeting of 1st CEAIE Council was held in Beijing. 97 members were comprised the 1st Council, and Mr.Huang Xinbai were elected the President. CEAIE officially started operation.
October 23,1985
- 1985
- CEAIE Secretariat started independent operation, marked by administering CEAIE-AFS and other programs entrusted by the Foreign Affairs Bureau, State Education Commission
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- Address: Beijing City, Xicheng District Chinese Damucang Hutong No. 37 100816
- © CopyrightChinese Education Association for international exchange
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