CEAIE’s most important resource is a qualified team of committed professionals and a wide network of national and international education organizations and institutions. CEAIE emphasizes the value of professional research and established the Research Center for International Education (RCIE). The Center aims to develop research work in the area of international education, offer professional consulting services for policy-makers, and undertake national research project for educational institutions. Based on academic research and professional practice, RCIE offers policy advice and technical assistance to help:
- to strengthen the national capacities to analyse and formulate sound education policies and plans.
- to promote the capacity of education leaders and theirs institutions to prepare and implement education policies more successfully.
- to facilitate educational research cooperation and exchange on the national, regional and international level.
- to provide the public professional consultation service. 
- to assist government and HEIs to achieve success in the governance and reform of higher education.   

CEAIE has a monthly journal of International Education Exchange(IEE). The journal is mainly distributed among CEAIE members and partners. From a unique perspective, with new concepts, and adhering to the principle of ‘based on the domestic, facing the world, pioneering spirit, and serving members’, IEE seeks to promote progressive educational theory and best practice both at home and abroad, serve as a platform for exchanging educational information and integrating innovative ideas, and build a bridge for mutual understanding and learning between members. By introducing education in other countries to China, and vice versa, IEE aims to advance the overall development of educational exchange between China and other countries around the world. 
IEE focuses four areas: Global Education Update, Cooperation and Exchange, Global Educational Buzz, and Home of International Education. 
Global Education Update - focuses on education news around the world, including, policy navigation, cooperation and collaboration, educational technology, digital interpretation and so on. 
Cooperation and Exchange - presents a specific topics based on the current hot topics of higher education, vocational education, basic education, preschool education, special education, adult education, continuing education for senior citizens, and invites well-known education experts both in China and around the world to contribute to the journal in order to share a variety of viewpoints. 
Global Educational Buzz - covers documentary manuscripts related to international education, overseas observation, celebrity lectures, university mottos, the traveler’s post station, study abroad wikipedia, reading oxygen bar and so on. 
Home of International Education - engages with the current work, development experience, policies and regulations, outstanding cases, conferences of CEAIE and its various branches and members, and shares individual members’ work experience, insights in life, and papers or other writings.

With the support of the network members and professionals, CEAIE is trying to build an international team of education professionals and look for international partners to share information & publications, explore joint research and publication opportunities.
Contact us
Yifu Conference Center, No. 160 Fuxingmen Nei Street, Beijing 100031, P. R. China
Fax: 86-10-66416156
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