

Publish Date: 2014-11-30 Source: Visits: 1453
Chapter I   General Principles

Article 1 The full name of CEAIE is China Education Association for International Exchange (hereinafter refers to as CEAIE).
Article 2 Nature of CEAIE: CEAIE is a nationwide non-profit social entity in China conducting international educational exchanges.
Article 3 Mission statement: CEAIE has a full commitment to the implementation of the strategy of invigorating the country through science, technology and education, meeting the needs of China's modernization construction, developing exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese educational community and other parts of the world, promoting the advancement of education, culture, science and technology, and strengthening understanding and friendship among the peoples of all countries and regions of the world.
Article 4 CEAIE is registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and its registration number is 0717.
Article 5 The mailing address: China Education Association for International Exchange, No.37 Damucang Hutong, Xi'Dan, Beijing 100816, P.R.China
The office Location: Yifu Conference Center, 160 Fuxingmen Nei Street, Beijing 100031, P.R.China.

Chapter II   Fields of Operation

Article 6 Fields of operation: CEAIE shall be engaged in the following fields of operation:
To promote the contact, exchange and cooperation of various schools home and abroad;
To conduct educational talent training at different levels with foreign educational institution and academies;
To hold bilateral or multi-lateral educational international conferences, symposia and exhibitions;
To undertake education programs sponsored by overseas educational institutions;
To recruit foreign teachers to teach in China;
To organize international scholars, educators and students to visit and study in China;
To facilitate Chinese teachers teaching or training abroad;
To organize Chinese educators at various levels for integrated or professional education tour abroad;
To provide consulting service on overseas education for Chinese;
To compile and publish important publications introducing Chinese education;
To raise CEAIE fund;
To coordinate educational activities of local chapters and member organizations.

Chapter III Membership

Article 7 CEAIE accepts institutional member.
Article 8 Applicants should meet the following criteria to become institutional members of CEAIE:
In agreement with The Charter of CEAIE;
Being willing to join in CEAIE as a member organization and undertake the task entrusted by CEAIE;
Playing active roles in the field of education and business.
Article 9 The procedure of membership admission is:
To submit application documents for admission to the Secretariat, the executive body of CEAIE;
The Standing Committee shall review and verify the application documents;
The President shall approve the application;
The Secretariat shall issue and render certificates to the applicants that are deemed qualified.
Article 10 The member organizations shall recommend the Council members, the Council member and the institutional member shall have the following rights:
With the right to elect, to stand for election and to vote;
To participate in activities organized by CEAIE;
With the priority to obtain services provided by CEAIE;
With the right to make comments, advice and monitoring in relation to the operation of CEAIE;
With the freedom to terminate its membership.
Article 11 The Council members and the institutional members shall have the following duties:
To implement policies and resolutions of CEAIE;
To safeguard the legal rights and interests of CEAIE;
To fulfill the missions assigned by CEAIE;
To render membership fee according to related regulations;
To provide CEAIE with relative data and information.
Article 12 Members who want to terminate its membership must inform the Secretariat in written notification and return certificates.
Any member who is not able to render membership fee to CEAIE up to a calendar year, or to participate in activities organized by CEAIE, or to fulfill such missions as assigned by CEAIE, will be henceforth regarded as automatic secession.
Article 13 Any infringement against The Charter of CEAIE conducted by any member shall be excluded from the organization after the Standing Committee’s approval.

Chapter IV Organizational Structure and the Procedure of Election and Changing of the Leadership

Article 14 The General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly) is the paramount organ of power and authority of CEAIE. The function of the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly) includes:
To formulate and amend The Charter of CEAIE;
To elect and change the Council members;
To review the Council’s mandatory reports, financial statements and operation plans;
To elect honorary Presidents and advisors;
To set and modify the standard of membership fee;
To make decision of other related vital and important matters.
Article 15 The General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly) can be only convened with attendance at least 2/3 of all the representatives. With at least half of participating representatives’ voting for support can make the resolutions become effective.
Article 16 Each term of the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly) shall last five years. In case there is a special occasion to change duration, it shall be passed through in the Council. Nevertheless, the duration for one deferment shall not exceed one calendar year.
Article 17 CEAIE sets up its Council, whose members shall be elected by the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly). The Council exercise leadership during the recess of the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly) and is accountable to the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly).
Article 18 The function of the Council includes:
To execute the resolutions of the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly);
To elect and dismiss President, Vice Presidents, Secretary-General and members of the Standing Committee;
To prepare the conferences of the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly);
To submit working reports and financial statements and operation plans to the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly);
To make decisions on enrollment and dismissal of member organizations;
To decide to establish branches, representative offices, overseas offices and affiliated bodies of CEAIE;
To supervise the implementation of regulations concerning internal administration;
To supervise the raising and using of CEAIE Fund;  
To make decisions on other vital and important issues.
Article 19 The Council convenes a meeting every two or 3 years, and runs the meetings by means of mail or email only in special occasions.
Article 20 CEAIE sets up its Standing Committee, whose members shall be elected by the Council. The Standing Committee exercises leadership during the recess of the Council and is accountable to the Council. With at least 2/3 attendance of the Standing Committee members shall legally convene the meeting and the resolutions shall become effective only with at least 2/3 votes in the Standing Committee.
Article 21 The Standing Committee convenes a meeting once or twice a year, and runs the meetings by means of mail or email only in special occasions.
Article 22 The qualifications of the President, Vice Presidents and Secretary-General include:
Abiding by laws and regulations of the state;
Having reputations in the scope of education;
No more than 70 years old, and the Secretary-General shall work on a full-time basis;
Healthy and competent for the work;
No criminal records;
Having full civil capacity.
Article 23 The tenure of the President, Vice Presidents and Secretary-General shall be 5 years, and they shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. If there is need for extention of the term in some special cases, they must pass through voting in the Council with at least 2/3 votes for support, and obtain approval from the registration authority.
Article 24 The Secretary-General is the legal person representative of CEAIE. The secretary general must not hold any concurrent post of legal person representative for other organizations.
Article 25 The responsibilities of the President include:
To convene and preside over meetings of the Council and its Standing Committee;
To inspect the implementation of resolutions passed by the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly), the Council and its Standing Committee;
To meet VIPs, discuss important issues and sign important documents on behalf of CEAIE;
To make decisions on the raising and using of CEAIE Fund;
To deliver working reports on behalf of CEAIE, and submit the work plan for CEAIE;
To approve the enrollment and dismissal of member organizations;
To approve chiefs for the CEAIE Secretariat.
Article 26 The responsibilities of Secretary-General include:
To take charge of daily work of the Secretariat, to organize the implementation of the annual work plan and financial budget;
To coordinate the work of CEAIE Secretariat and the member organizations;
To nominate candidates for the position of Deputy Secretary-Generals, and submit the nomination to the Standing Committee for decisions;
To nominate candidates for chiefs of the Secretariat’s departments, and submit the nomination to the President for approvals;
To determine the Secretariat’s full-time staff recruitment;
To take charge of the raising and using of CEAIE Fund;
To manage other daily business entrusted by the President and Vice Presidents.

Chapter V  Principles of Assets Management and Operation

Article 27 Revenues of CEAIE: membership fee, donations, incomes of services, interests, overheads from implementing cooperative programs and projects.
Article 28 CEAIE shall collect membership fee from its member organizations according to the regulations issued by the state.
Article 29 CEAIE’s revenues shall be put into used in the business scope regulated by The Charter of CEAIE.
Article 30 CEAIE shall formulate a set of financial management rules and regulations and keep a set of authentic, accurate and complete accounting records.
Article 31 CEAIE shall employ a professional chartered public accountant. The accountant must not hold concurrent post as cashier at CEAIE. Accounting settlement and supervision are indispensable procedures that the accountant must follow. When the accountant leaves his/her post and changes his/her job, he or she must complete all necessary handing-over formalities.
Article 32 The assets management of CEAIE must follow the financial rules and regulations stipulated by state, and meanwhile, the Secretariat must accept supervision by the Council as well as government designated auditing agencies. The revenues of CEAIE are attributed to donation and aid; therefore, CEAIE must accept regular auditing carried out by designated auditing agencies and make public its financial statements in an appropriate way.
Article 33 Prior to the leadership’s handing over or changing, they must accept auditing sponsored by the registration and administration department.    
Article 34 The assets of CEAIE must not be encroached, privately owned or embezzled by any organization and/or individuals.
Article 35 CEAIE is fully independent and financially self-sufficient. Salaries, insurance, welfare and other remuneration for staff members are pegging on its performance.

Chapter VI Modification and Revision Procedure

Article 36 The modification and revision for the Charter of CEAIE shall be submitted to the Council for review before being passed to the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly) for approval.
Article 37 After being passed by the General Assembly (Member Representative Assembly), the modified and revised Charter shall be handed to the registration and administration authorities for approval to come into effect.

Chapter VII Termination Procedure and Assets Disposal

Article 38 When CEAIE automatically dismisses or needs to cancel registration due to separation or merging, the Standing Committee must put forward a motion for termination in advance.
Article 39 The termination motion must be reviewed and passed by the Council and be reported to the Ministry of Education for approval.
Article 40 Prior to termination, CEAIE shall finish the liquidation formality under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and other related authorities.   
Article 41 CEAIE shall be terminated when the registration with the registration department is nullified.
Article 42 According to the relevant regulations, after termination all the remaining assets shall be used into aid those undertakings that have alike missions of CEAIE.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Articles

Article 43 The Council reserves the right to interpret The Charter of CEAIE.
Article 44 The Ministry of Civil Affairs has already reviewed and approved The Charter of CEAIE.

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