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Application-oriented Universities Committee of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE-AUC)

Publish Date: 2021-02-19 | Visits: 1436

Ⅰ. Introduction

Application-oriented Universities Committee of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE-AUC), established by domestic application-oriented universities with voluntary membership, is a national non-profit social organization affiliated with the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE). As an affiliate of CEAIE, CEAIE-AUC does not have an independent legal entity. It acknowledges the Constitution of CEAIE and shall act under the unified leadership and management of CEAIE.

Chinese Abbreviation: 应用型高校分会

English Name: Application-oriented Universities Committee of China Education Association for International Exchange

English Abbreviation: CEAIE-AUC

Ⅱ. Purpose

In conformity with the Constitution, laws and regulations of China, CEAIE-AUC, under the leadership of CEAIE, will thrive to provide services for the members, promote the development of professional services, and assist the association in fulfilling its responsibilities within the scope of the association's work articles.

Ⅲ.  Mission

CEAIE-AUC will actively seek channels and chances in international exchanges and cooperation for domestic application-oriented universities, taking the regional characteristics of the universities and their current status into consideration, which in return will pave the way for the domestic application-oriented universities engaging in international cooperation.

Ⅳ. Scope of Work

1. To build a platform to promote the exchange and cooperation between the China Education Association for International Exchange and other educational organizations and institutions to promote the establishment and consolidation of cooperative relations between Chinese application-oriented universities and corresponding universities abroad.

2. To design and implement educational project for international exchange to serve the development of cultural and educational exchanges between China and foreign countries.

3. To host multilateral or bilateral educational international conferences, seminars and exhibitions to promote the construction of relevant administrative personnel and teachers, and carry out various international training.

4. To carry out academic research in the relevant international education field, and provide decision support for the government, and provide information consultation for member universities.

5. To undertake the tasks assigned by the China Education Association for International Exchange.

Ⅴ.  Membership Application

To apply for membership, the following conditions are required:

1. Join the committee voluntarily

2. Acknowledge the constitution of the China Education Association for International Exchange and the working methods of the committee

3. An application-oriented university with active international exchanges and cooperation.

Ⅵ. Council Members

President: Cai Jingmin

Vice President: Liu Yulu, Wang Qingyuan, Zhang Hongtian, Sun Aiwu, Wu Renhua, Cao Yongan, Nie Ying, Zhang Hua

Ⅶ. The Secretariat

Secretary-general: Jia Feng (International Office of Hefei University)

Contact Number: 0551-62158185.

Fax Number: 0551-62158168


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